Education Loan

Education Loan

A meritorious student is never far away from their dream career, courtesy of Tughende Federal Credit Union Limited. Education loans. Students from every discipline can now take their first steps on the path to success. Every feature of our student loan assists the process of higher education in a comfortable manner. Tax benefits, post-graduation EMI schedule and a flexible tenure make higher education both affordable and convenient as never before.

With rapid loan processing, our student loans have faster disbursal and lower ancillary expenses. Competitive interest rates also allow students to make stress-free repayments after moratorium period. These customizable and conducive loan terms will help bring expensive higher educational courses within the grasp of every student.

So, ready yourself for a bright future with Tughende Federal Credit Union Limited. Student loans.

The company was promoted by highly qualified Accounts and finance with the motto “Helping society to build a strong financial future”.